Krypto Warp: The Secret of Success

There are many elements in a business that can, and do, contribute to its success. However, there is only one that provides a solid base for that success: Top Quality of Services and Products!

Top quality in products, top quality in services, coupled with accessibility, is the true secret of success for any business, and the one key feature that has made Krypto the leader in Cyprus’ Security Services sector.

Krypto’s vision and mission are to provide the best of the best to as many customers as possible. Having security and peace of mind should be a right, and Krypto treats it as such, making every possible effort of providing it at the best possible value without compromising quality in the least.

That is why Krypto only partners with the top companies in the global security sector, sourcing the best security and technology products for the Cypriot consumers. These international companies are pushing the envelope in state-of-the-art technologies, Artificial Intelligence (AI), new and better-quality hardware for monitoring and access control, computing, and smart home solutions. They also sync up with Krypto’s own vision of making security accessible to a wide range of consumers, thus making high quality technology that can be available at a low-price range without sacrificing performance or endurance.

Krypto is proud to be partnered up with companies such as Crow, Inim, Kocom, Avigilon, and Samsung, thus ensuring the latest and best products for Krypto clients.

Krypto Security also makes sure that Krypto staff is highly specialized in their respective fields, from technicians and IT specialists to security patrol and event containment, to ensure that services will also be top quality.

Services that Krypto provides include 24/7 monitoring of properties, both remotely and via specialized patrols. The best software is in use in the remote, digitized Control Center through which Krypto’s trained personnel ensures that intervention happens preemptively where possible, thus preventing harmful incidents from taking place, or containing them before damages happen. When intervention on location is necessary, Krypto’s staff is trained to act fast, decisively, and efficiently, providing the best possible protection and yield the best possible outcomes in all events.

Krypto’s technicians, be it for installations of security systems or smart home accessories or computing services are also highly trained and internationally accredited. This gives them the capacity to fully customize all hardware and software so that they are a perfect fit for the real, actual needs of the client.

Lastly, Krypto’s excellent pre and after sales policy ensures that Krypto’s clients are looked after and empowered enough to discuss their needs and acquire the hardware and software they actually require and which will improve their quality of work and life moving forward. When issues occur, technical support is readily available to immediately address them.

All these features, from the top-quality products to the top-quality, highly specialized and accessible support and service, are what place Krypto Security at the top of Cyprus’ respective sectors: at Krypto, clients feel valued and seen as members of a community, not simple consumers.