BESAFE, Fight Pollution!

At Krypto, we do EVERYTHING in our power to ensure Unlimited Safety. We strive to protect your home and business, utilizing the most modern and sophisticated security products. Our dedicated teams provide innovative services that ensure your safety and security within your personal and working environment.
Since the beginning we were always Eco-friendly but this year, we go a step beyond that. We believe that it’s time to contribute in depth to the safety of our natural environment. The environment we live in is not just about our home and working environment. Our planet, the ecosystem that we all live–in fights to stay safe against the tremendous damages caused by the human factor every day. The pollution of our natural environment is not only harming our beautiful planet. The effects of this harm on humans – us, you, your family, your children, grandchildren and generations to come – are frightening. A small contribution by each one of us can be a major help to this fight.
This brings us to the launch of our new BESAFE, Fight Pollution campaign. With the help of Charalambos Zenios, a talented and environmentally conscious young artist, the Krypto Team now offers a stylish, Eco-friendly, reusable full organic cotton tote bag to its esteemed clients, partners and friends, who want to make a statement against pollution and do what they can to keep our natural environment safe!
As a 1st year University student in pharmacology [ part of new medicine sciences ] that had just moved to London, Charalambos Zenios was exposed to a world where social media was not the way of the future but very much the present. He soon realized that people want to care about the environment and that they care about how the world around them perceives them. So he took something that so many of us already love to use and made it unique and fashionable, making it easy to care for the environment while also being forward and trendsetting! From that effort, SD by Chaz was born – a London based start-up creating Eco-fashion – that recently launched a growing line of Cotton Tote bags with designs Charalambos digitally draws. These awesome bags can be used everywhere and by everyone!
As the artist himself states,
“I truly believe that the statement these bags make can blow up and save the planet from an ongoing pandemic which is the use of plastic. The company has a clear message: Stop the plastic bag epidemic, one Tote at a time. I believe that this message can easily be seen and understood by millions of people.”
Thank you Charalambos for partnering up with Krypto for the creation of these unique Cotton Tote bags. Rest assured that our well-respected, environmentally conscious clients, partners and friends will appreciate and use their bags to the maximum!
BESAFE, Fight Pollution!