The Krypto CSR Culture

The Role of CSR at Krypto
Corporate social responsibility holds a special place in Krypto’s core activities. All of us here at Krypto strongly believe that giving back to the community is our duty, both as a company and as a team of individuals who live and grow in this community.
Acknowledging our duty towards the society and the environment motivates us to become a more socially responsible company towards our team, our clients and ourselves. Our involvement in CSR activities helps us – and the whole company – to realize our impact in all aspects of our community – financial, social and environmental.
In addition, CSR activities can enhance the bond among the Krypto Family, grow our empathy, boost our self-esteem, help us grow a stronger connection with the world around us and allow us to view daily challenges from a different perspective.
But most of all, through these activities, the Krypto Family can offer a helping hand to people in need, contribute to the protection and safety of the ecosystem we all live in and fight for a better world and a better future for us and the generations to come.
Krypto’s First Steps in CSR
As a 25 year old company Krypto has been always supported the local community in many aspects without any further acknowledgement. After almost two decades of low profile offerings on June 2018 a CSR committee was formed and after almost 9 months of low profile activities it was decided that to market what the company was doing so others could follow.
Fast Track to 2019
The helm of the CSR team at Krypto was handed out to Chrystalla Demetriou our HR Officer with the following results.
The first advertised Krypto CSR Activity took place on the 4th September 2019. A team of Krypto People visited the Cyprus Autism Association, where they helped in painting of indoor rooms and cleaning up the garden of the house.
A week after on the 7th September 2019, the Krypto team partnered up with Ayios Tychonas Community Council to clean up the Limassol shoreline from plastics and other garbage, covering an area stretching from the Four Seasons Hotel to the La Isla bar and restaurant. The cleanup was part of the wider BESAFE, Fight Pollution campaign that was launched in 2019 in an attempt to contribute to the fight against plastic and pollution. As part of this campaign, Charalambos Zenios, a talented and environmentally conscious young artist, designed a stylish, eco-friendly, reusable, full organic cotton tote bag that Krypto offered to its clients, partners and friends, who wanted to make a statement against pollution.
A third Krypto CSR Activity took place on the 4th October 2019 in an attempt to help people with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The Krypto Team took a day trip to the mountains together with the patients and staff of the Ithaki Charity Organisation for People with Dementia. All of the trip participants had the opportunity to socialize, share unique moments with each other and have a wonderful time together.
During November and December Krypto offered funds to Fundraising, supported 2 local schools with their Visuals demands, send visual equipment to a local charity, supported many families with the security needs and supported small and medium businesses startup their expansion with very special offerings.
Unforgettable Experiences
Each one of these activities was a transforming and enlightening experience for all of us, who got to see the world from a totally different perspective. Living in our own micro-ecosystem and following the fast pace of our busy lives often makes it difficult for anyone of us to see the bigger picture and truly realize what’s going on in the world around us. The first Krypto CSR Activities opened our eyes and hearts to the needs of people living among us, as well as the needs of the planet we live on. A true inspiration for many more activities to follow, to actively face the challenges of our present and future!
Krypto in 2020 has plans for 12 major CSR Activities that will be communicated during the year hoping more companies will follow suit.