Retailers mistakes in security and loss prevention

Every brick-and-mortar retail shop knows that a constant worry and struggle is to prevent merchandise loss from shoplifters, employees, and even assorted accidents. Retailers need to remain vigilant and on constant alert to protect the merchandise without interrupting or disrupting the workflow of the workday.
A big factor in successful loss prevention and preemption of theft and other malfeasance is a robust system of surveillance. However, there are some common practices that undermine efforts for efficient security and only succeed in adding to the stress of retails and shop owners.
What are these common mistakes, and what should be done instead?
Fake CCTV or no CCTV
Having a reliable surveillance system with good CCTV cameras is imperative for efficient surveillance. With the current AI software that trains the alarm system to preempt instances of deviant or unusual behavior by alerting the users, such a tool is vital for protecting merchandise.
Sometimes retailers install fake cameras in an effort to deter shoplifters from stealing merchandise. However, the deterrence isn’t good enough because a lot of shoplifters tend to risk detection, feeling they can talk themselves out of a situation of they are caught.
Nowadays, installing an efficient CCTV system is affordable and approachable for all businesses. At Krypto Security, specialized programs designed to give you the best available technology at the best possible price are designed to offer you the necessary peace of mind in your store.
Poor camera placement
The best cameras are useless if they are not properly placed and pointed to give view of the most frequent areas where shoplifting takes place. Allowing many blind spots or neglecting to install cameras to cover strategic areas are common mistakes that undermine the efficiency of even the best CCTV.
What areas should be covered in a retail store?
The entire retail floor should be covered well. Beyond that, cameras should be dedicated or cover efficiently the areas of check out, all entrances and exits, all backrooms, and the corridors of dressing rooms should be surveilled. Extra features such as face capture and license plate capture will give retailers extra options in getting their merchandise back in case of theft or at least seeking payment of damages.
No digital recording
It is imperative that activity in a retail shop is recorded. Not only because spotting shoplifters may not be done at the time when the shoplifting takes place, but also because footage where criminal behavior is recorded can serve as irrefutable evidence in court.
When retailers neglect adding reliable digital recording to their surveillance system, they are depriving themselves of extra chances to prevent or deal with crime and loss of merchandise. A good DVR is an essential tool for protection of your business as well as additional help for authorities.
Lack of security system customization
Each business and each retail shop has unique elements that need to be addressed if a security system is to be efficient. Just buying an off-the-shelf security system which will simply produce noise in an effort to deter or turn away would-be thieves or other criminals is better than nothing, but not enough.
Proper customization of security systems is vital in order to cover and account for the retail shop’s specific needs: access control needs, special sensors for motion, glass shattering sensors, and special software for face recognition are some of the features that can make a security system robust and powerful in detecting, preempting, and deterring thieves.
At Krypto, our experts on security system design will thoroughly study the needs of the workplace of a retail shop and will give cost-efficient, reliable solutions that will provide retailers with a powerful protection of their merchandise, their employees, and their customers from malfeasance.
Lack of employee training
Another aspect that is necessary for smooth workflow is training employees to spot shoplifters. Specific behaviors which are telltale of potential shoplifting behavior should be taught to employees. A reward for spotting shoplifters can also make employees committed and interested in protecting the retail shop’s wares. Combined with the proper CCTV system, instances of theft will be minimized or even completely eliminated from your store.