Krypto Your Kingdom!

The countdown has begun my Kings and Queens. Today, the 1st of March 2019, marks the launch of a revolutionary campaign!
Krypto joins forces with !eye Creative Communications to spread the Krypto Message across the market. Whether you are a dedicated family person, an enthusiastic and independent young adult, an innovating start-up company, a hard-working business person, an innovator, a loving grandparent or all of the above, we want you and your Kingdom to #BESAFE
Through a ground-breaking holistic marketing campaign designed and executed by a trusted and results-driven communications agency, we are determined to make you understand why you need to take action and ensure the unlimited safety of your home and work environment.
Both Krypto and !eye Creative Communications have been around for more than 20 years, constantly growing and building a strong presence in the security and the communications sector respectively. With a solid experience in both online and offline Marketing, !eye Creative now bands with Krypto, committing to take the company to the next level, playing a vital part towards the achievement of the company’s goals and objectives for the future.
The time for you to take control, protect the ones you love and safeguard your invaluable Kingdom has arrived.
For the why and how, stay tuned on all of our online and offline platforms.